Absalom Must Not Succeed.

For those praying for America..... as you press in for this election press in harder for the 2024 election. The Lord showed me that Absalom will rise. He is asleep. A venomous octopus type creature. He sleeps and will wake to entice the people like Absalom did behind David's back.

Before he slept he released a a black ink, like an octopus does on prey. And look at what broke loose this year. He will rise in 2 years to prepare for 2024. His plan must be thwarted.

This spirit is fueled by personal offense and uses the offenses of the public to advancement his agenda. How? Just like Absalom felt let down by his father, David, for his sister's rape, he waited for years, the right timing to get his revenge. He began to show up at the city gates where social matters and disputes were handled. He used the injustice the people faced, as a political campaign to further his mission. "Oh when I'm king I'll make sure that never happens to you.... when I'm king I can fix that.... make me king and I'll fight for you."

Beware America, something more vicious is sleeping. Patiently planning it's ascension. Pray against this. Pray eyes are opened. We need to be discerning. It will come through avenues we least except. 

Zion is ruling as the highest mountain; so we will see what is to come. Let's prepare. 


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