Just wait for it... when the GLORY hits, a deeper understanding and appreciation will be experienced in how it's impact on people, is not charismatic or Pentecostal...... dear heart, it's INDESCRIBABLE. This goes beyond denominations and personalities; because the glory is UNCONTAINABLE. 

David was not Pentecostal, Non-denominational, Episcopalian, or Methodist; David was a WORSHIPPER. This is the key. Worship lays the red carpet for the glory........ the glory houses his goodness. His goodness is his glory.......When his goodness is experienced, you won't know if you're coming or going. Whew ...... well how else would we act in the presence of the King?!?!?!? His love is IMMEASURABLE, His power INDISPUTABLE, His name UNMATCHABLE..... DIGNITY becomes UNDIGNIFIED.... David's did. 

2Sa 6:22a KJV "And I will yet be more vile (undignified, trifling) than this, and will be base (lowly, humble) in mine own sight:..."


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