#KNOWN: No ID Needed!

#KNOWN: No ID Needed!
I had a dream of my husband I at the airport waiting in line [again; as we had been there before earlier in my dream for other flights] to get checked in for our next flight. Their self-check kiosks were down so we all had to work with ticketing agents. Another odd thing is we couldn't check in as a couple but as individuals (that makes sense in the interpretation concerning our salvation walk before the Lord).
Well my husband was behind me but finished before me as the ticketing agent assisting me had heavily engaged in conversation, which I don't remember much of, but it was mainly random small talk; of which he had a lot of it to share. I looked around to see where Will was and he was patiently waiting for me, looking at phone to pass the time. I looked back to the agent who had now finished checking me in and gave me a cloth case with my boarding pass already inside it. It was royal blue in color and one side was see-through so my pass could be seen; and he said, "you don't need your ID anymore, the case speaks for itself; just show them the clear side if they have to see your boarding pass."I thanked him and walked over to Will and we proceeded to the security check point, we had previously used in my dream (for another trip we were making earlier); but this time what happened was different than before. Just like the ticket agent said, I wouldn't need my ID and the TSA agent confirmed it by saying "Ma'am your case indicated you don't need regular identification and are supposed to use that security check point over there and just walk through it."
My husband was already waiting for me there and we walked through it without having to remove our shoes, belts, etc.
When I woke up the Holy Spirit began to share his interpretation with me concerning the dream. There is so much he unfolded but this is the part I wanted to share with you today. That there is a dimension in him where we walk through territories without having to show who we are or we can do because we are KNOWN. In Mark 5, Jesus and his disciples arrived on the shore after Jesus had calmed the storm and told it to be still. There was a man possessed by so many demons that his name was Legion. The demons recognizing Jesus, cried out in terror of their lives and asked him if he had come to cast them out before their time.
Before Jesus did anything in that place, his reputation preceded him from his power to calm raging waters. One who commanded the sea could easily command them to be cast into Hades. Although he looked like one, this was no ordinary man. Even the components of different kingdoms that bowed to no one, fell subject to his authority. So even in that place where a word was not uttered and a miracle not yet performed, Jesus was known.
There is a place in God that our lives must begin to reflect that we are joint heirs with Jesus Christ. That we (our spirit man) rule beside him and sit in places of authority and power with him. That our presence in the earth must make the enemy and his camp tremble with fear as we come to take back what is right fully ours for the glory of God. I hash tagged this title because it is a powerful proclamation to the world, that Christ's remnant are here to make a significant mark in the earth.
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