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"You're afraid of how powerful you can become." I statement I heard in a movie and laughed at in irritation; why would any one shy away from greatness?!??! Especially if it was positive life changing power?!?!? Truth is, deep down, my subconscious was betraying me. Giving away hints that that's how I truly felt about my own destiny. I was afraid of how powerful I could become.  Power is not just elevated platforms, decorated assignments, or elaborated favor but greatly involves pioneering strength, strenuous training, pits, dungeons, stretching, breaking, pressing, tears, rejection, self control, growing meekness, intensified discipline, welcomed discomfort, and unpretentious content through it all.  That is what I didn't want to subject myself to. But statements like these (from that movie) were God-inspired neon-lit billboards heaven placed to remind me of destiny. Only I could make the choice to choose complacent comfort or intense discomfort that would lead to...

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